HBC - Harrisburg Baptist Church
HBC stands for Harrisburg Baptist Church
Here you will find, what does HBC stand for in Religious under Community category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Harrisburg Baptist Church? Harrisburg Baptist Church can be abbreviated as HBC What does HBC stand for? HBC stands for Harrisburg Baptist Church. What does Harrisburg Baptist Church mean?Harrisburg Baptist Church is an expansion of HBC
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Alternative definitions of HBC
- H S B C Holdings, P. L. C.
- Hit By Car
- Historically Black College
- Hepatitis B Coalition
- Hebron Baptist Church
- Homes for Black Children
- Here Before The Company
- Hudson Bay Company
View 143 other definitions of HBC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- HGL Hamid Group Limited
- HSSCU Health Services Staffs Credit Union
- HIDA Health Industry Distributors Association
- HSP Health Sector Procurement
- HOT Hands On Therapy
- HCF Huntsman Cancer Foundation
- HTPL Hyphen Travels Pvt. Ltd.
- HMML Horizon Mega Mart Ltd.
- HEPL Him Electronics Pvt Ltd
- HCC Holistic Community Care
- HIG Hoffman Insurance Group
- HLF Halton Learning Foundation
- HLG The Hassell Law Group
- HIS Holiday Inn Sharjah
- HON Help One Now
- HIC Holiday Inn Cambridge
- HAI Hamilton Associates Inc
- HT The Hague Tech
- HCR Hart Consulting Romania
- HCOL Hill Cross Organisation Ltd